Declutter Challenge Day 17

It’s a great day to Simplify!  Welcome to day 17 of the Simplify NEPA challenge.  We are glad you committed to simplifying with us this month.

Take 5—10 minutes to declutter your bookshelf. Gather all of your books: Reference, guide books, text books, how to manuals, novels, cook books.

How long have you had these books? Have you read them? Will you read them again? Is the information in them still relevant? Can the information, recipe, etc. be easily found online?

Keep the books that you truly use and that bring enjoyment or help to your life. Donate or sell the rest.

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day.  Visit to find out how to donate gently used books to American troops overseas, as well as veterans and military families here at home and share some Kindness.