Declutter Challenge Day 21

It’s a great day to Simplify!  Welcome to day 21 of the Simplify NEPA challenge.  We are glad you committed to simplifying with us this month.

Take 5—10 minutes to declutter your papers.

Do have papers, receipts, booklets in various piles throughout your home? Do you spend time searching for that receipt when you need to return something?

The first step is to create an inbox. One place that is designated for all of your papers. Anytime you bring papers into your home, put it in the inbox. Mail, receipts, etc.

Today sort through the receipts. Shred any receipts you no longer need. File receipts you need for taxes. Put receipts for items you may need to return in an envelope or zip lock bag.

Post a picture of your oldest receipt!

Interested in digitizing your receipts?  There are a lot of free apps to digitize and organize your receipts.  Check a free app to scan & organize receipts and business cards, create expense reports, track mileage and more at