Declutter Challenge 24

It’s a great day to Simplify!  Welcome to day 24 of the Simplify NEPA challenge.  We are glad you committed to simplifying with us this month.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and start decluttering those photos.  According to Business Insider, people will take 1.2 trillion digital photos this year.  What do you do with all of those photos?  Due to digital photos, most photos are never printed.  They are stored in cameras, phones and on computers. 

Take 5 – 10 minutes to make a photo plan!  Yes, this task is going to take more than one day but make a plan today and stick with it.  Anytime you are stuck in line or waiting for an appointment you can be scanning and deleting photos.  Start with the most recent and move backwards.

  1. Delete all duplicate photos.  Choose the best one and delete the rest.
  2. Delete and blurry photos.
  3. Delete any photos that are no longer needed or wanted.

Do you also have printed photos?  Remember when you had to print the whole roll and didn’t know what you had until you picked up your prints.   Make a plan to tackle those photos too. 

  1. Get rid of the duplicates.  Maybe send them in some snail mail to someone who might appreciate them.
  2. Throw away all blurry photos.
  3. Scan and keep digital copies of any important photos.

Found some great photos but don’t know what to do with them.  Check out these ideas: