Declutter Challenge Day 4

Declutter Challenge Day 4

Take 5—10 minutes and open your sock drawer. Find any socks with holes or are too stretched out or you just don’t wear and put them aside. Donate the good ones and throw out or re-purpose the rest. Think you can mend that sock? Will you really? Put it in a bag...
Declutter Challenge Day 3

Declutter Challenge Day 3

Before you get ready for the big game take 10 – 15 minutes and open that refrigerator. Throw away any expired items and leftovers. Once opened many items can go bad after a day or two. Need help deciding? Check out the storage times chart found here:...
Declutter Challenge Day 2

Declutter Challenge Day 2

Mugs of Hot Chocolate, Hot Coffee, Hot Tea….How many mugs do you need? Take 10 minutes to declutter those mugs. Take all of your mugs out of your cupboard. Get rid of any mugs that are chipped, cracked or broken. Now decide how many mugs you actually need. Write down...
Declutter Challenge Day 1

Declutter Challenge Day 1

Brrr….it’s cold outside. Today we are going to declutter our winter hats, gloves and scarves. Stop wasting time searching for your gloves and hats as you race out the door to face this cold weather. Take 10 minutes to gather all of your winter hats, gloves and...